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Conversations With Chagall
How to Save the World... Off-Broadway Cast Recording
Other commercial recordings
My musicals
The Remarkable Journey of Prince Jen
Vanity Fair
Heart Throb
How to Save the World and Find True Love in 90 Minutes
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Listen to My Music
Conversations With Chagall
To listen to preview tracks from Conversations With Chagall, my
CD of solo piano music, please visit the
Conversations With Chagall page. |
How to Save the World and Find True Love in
90 Minutes
Preview tracks are not available for How to Save the World and Find
True Love in 90 Minutes. Please see below for tracks from the demo
recording. |
Songs from demo recordings of musicals:
You can listen to the following songs if you have RealPlayer on your computer
(some songs are also available as MP3s or WMA files). RealPlayer is available free at www.real.com.
To request an MP3 file of any of the songs, please send an e-mail message to seth@sethweinstein.com.
When the Music Played (3:24) Listen
Performer information
Rachel, a college senior, explains how her devotion to a particular recording artist has inspired her to seek an internship at a music company. |
The Meaning of the Word (3:48) Listen
Performer information
Professor Jasper has spent his life
refuting the existence of true love. In this power ballad, he begins to
search for its meaning. |
If I Had the Nerve to Tell You (3:51) Listen
Performer information
Professor Jasper and his student Rachel admit their feelings for each other. |
Second Banana (3:14) Listen
Performer information
Herbie and Margo commiserate after being dumped by their respective lovers. |
More about Heart Throb
I Want What You Want (5:14) Listen
Performer information
Miles Muldoon, a phobic tour guide at the United Nations, is determined to charm the U.N.'s sexiest diplomat, Violet Zipper, into giving him a better job...and more. |
The Voices in My Head (2:46) Listen
Performer information
When Miles awakens from his unconsciousness, he realizes something is amiss: that he is hearing what everyone around him is thinking. |
Love Is (3:49) Listen
Performer information
After telling Miles he doesn't understand love, Violet and Julie argue about its
attributes. |
Save the People (4:30) Listen
Performer information
The Pretentious Assholes give Miles some pretentious encouragement as he
prepares to save the United Nations from a terrorist attack. |
More about How to Save the World and
Find True Love in 90 Minutes
More about The Remarkable Journey of
Prince Jen
The Legend of New York (7:08) Listen
Performer information
As a group of polished, privileged young ladies graduate from a convent school, the orphaned, impoverished Becky Sharp finds herself free and eager to climb her way into New York society. She sees her sweet, generous classmate Amelia Sedley as her ticket to Park Avenue and finagles an invitation for an extended stay with her family and a brand-new wardrobe. |
The Kind of Girl (Quintet) (6:56) Listen
Performer information
At the dance hall, Becky gives Amelia a crash course on the birds and the bees and convinces her to go "all the way" with George, lest she lose him. George, alarmed at Joseph's plans to propose to Becky, gets Joseph drunk to keep him from popping the question to a girl of such a lowly station. Will, disgusted at George's behavior toward Joseph and Amelia, wishes he were Amelia's
fiance instead of George. |
OK, OK (4:47) Listen
Performer information
Her plot to snare Joseph thwarted, Becky is exiled to New Jersey to work as a nanny. |
Don’t Call It Love (4:04) Listen
Performer information
Becky has just thrown a party at which she meets her employer's dashing naval-officer son Rawdon. The two find themselves alone after the party: Becky may have finally met her match. |
Just an American Fairy Tale (5:41) Listen
Performer information
One of the richest and most famous women in America, Becky has written a tell-all book and muses about her success on a talk show. |
More about Vanity Fair
Almost (3:14) Listen
Sung by Erik Schark
A look at love's might-have-beens, if "almost" had become reality. |
I Just Slept With Hillary Rodham Clinton
(2:39) Listen
Sung by Angie Christian, Alisa Klein, Michael Onorato, and Erik Schark
Four people express their joy following their recent sexual encounters with the former first lady. |
The Boy in the City (3:05) Listen
Sung by Gerry Dieffenbach
From an early version of Heart Throb, this song is the protagonist's flashback to his youth, when he was abandoned by his father. |
